Friday, April 23, 2004

Hail Korea - Noisecontrol Publishing - Hail Korea - I sat down to a plate of chicken wings with some Koreans today. I learned that in 2002 they jointly sponsored the World Cup (soccer) and I learned that one of them plans to open a restaraunt near where Tom's is. It might be an interesting place to check out. Possible names for the restaraunt Orange Fury and Lucky Leaf. These were from my marketing book. In any case, the man has 10 years experience in cooking in Korea and his associates are from varying backgrounds and career paths. One is a researcher in medicine at UB. They seemed impressed with me, which was a nice surprise. I thanked them as many times as possible for their sharing of their buffalo wings, and I think they ordered more just so that I could have some. I hope to meet them again so that I can find out how they liked my CD.


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