A Bugs Life is an animated Pixar Disney Romp through the jungle of the grass field between a bug circus and the ant hill. One soldier ant is commissioned to find bugs to protect the colony from the grasshoppers who will attempt to bully them from their land this season. It is a great kids film and I really enjoyed seeing it the day it came out!
Monday, December 29, 2003
A Bugs Life
A Bugs Life is an animated Pixar Disney Romp through the jungle of the grass field between a bug circus and the ant hill. One soldier ant is commissioned to find bugs to protect the colony from the grasshoppers who will attempt to bully them from their land this season. It is a great kids film and I really enjoyed seeing it the day it came out!
A Bugs Life is an animated Pixar Disney Romp through the jungle of the grass field between a bug circus and the ant hill. One soldier ant is commissioned to find bugs to protect the colony from the grasshoppers who will attempt to bully them from their land this season. It is a great kids film and I really enjoyed seeing it the day it came out!
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