Sunday, December 28, 2003

I read William Gibson's entire Blog tonight because I wanted to see what he was about. He definitely is some one I've looked up to as a talented artist since Age 16. The electric cool aid acid test is a thing of the past and he comes out against the Kerouac style of writing. This I found unusual but not altogether unlike him. He seems to be a bit of a reculse. He plans to stop writing the Blog while he writes his novel, which seems to me to defeat the purpose. For example, if you could weave across both plains and somehow conceal the novel while writing a Blog you'd have the entire game down.

Make it kind of an informal show and tell. But then, of course, I'm not him, and I don't know what kinds of casual activities he has to do to perfect his craft. If I were him, I'd damn sure make sure I had some good coffee for breakfast every day.

Now that I have figured out my coffee maker, I think I'm going to begin to do something like that so that I can stay wider and tone proof while writing. I should also like to eventually get the internet radio working in my favor now that I have it down stairs.

We jokingly suggested that I should create a tour company called Rain Man tours and invite rich Harvard kids to come to the casino and learn to gamble and throw some money around. That might defeat my purpose of ever getting into Harvard.

I've enjoyed reading a couple of good books regarding times where Bill Gates played cards among his friends there, and eventually ended up running Microsoft which really is the whole shebang. I mean I can't log onto my PC without seeing it.

Bill Gates was portrayed as a real young gun in Hard Drive, a critical novel about the creation of Microsoft, that I read because of a contact who I can only recall now as Merlin or Brian who ran a BBS on Grand Island when I was in High School. Merlin The Magician. It was interesting back then that we all had our own codenames and sort of secret handshakes and things. I could have been known as The Eradicator, or The Elfster, or one of those odd names in the global village before the global village.

There were elements of life that I loved about those times, and to look back, elements that I could not bear, but I have come to accept who I am and move on. I really wish I'd kept my girlfriend in 10th grade. It would have been something we both could have built on. The seperation from the word, was like the seperation from the bond. She gave me an excuse to write and to this day I am still doing it.

I should not say still because writing is not a still activity. It is a very verb or action based activity that you have to think about. You have to sit down and say to yourself, I want to do this. This is something that I need for me to be who I am, to scream from the rooftops Whitman's famed Yawp! as Robin Williams so adeptly articulated in The Dead Poet's society.

When we were young, none of us grew up thinking that computers and the digital age could bring about the confining of people and the segmenting of people and the end of life and the advent of commercialism. We never anticipated pop ups or worms or cyber crypto child pornograpy or steganographic watermarks. We thought that computers would be the savior or the opening of the Houses of The Holy rather than a sink hole into the void of nothingness. But I have to tell you that in the universe of cyberspace, the stars are few and far between.

It feels like a lonely planet out here in the dark of night, while I sit here fidgeting with the mute button on the black keyboard trying to think of something to say when what I really want to scream from the mountaintops, Read Asimov, Tolstoy, Aristotle, Homer, Whitman, Williams, Gibson, and all the rest of them, because if you don't you will walk to the lonely road alone in the dark for the ten years that I went without a script.

Informationalists and pseudo scientists will tell you other wise, they will chant their tarot crossword mystery science fiction 3000 and they'll make you want to masterbate to a Virgin mobile phone on MTV, but they won't bring you to the brink of ecstasy that a single verse of Ave Maria or In Excelcis Deo like the classical training of a world renowned pianist could. Incidentally, I think that classical music training on Piano or Violin should be an essential part of all children's education. They must not be hardwired to the box, before they find a way to make a joyful noise and shout their own respective voices from their own respective mountaintops.

Perhaps I am being silly, but I have some experience with children. I know for example, that my brother who is far younger than I am can read and recite in almost exact detail the plotlines for books that I couldn't read should I desire to pick them up. He is intelligent, as you or I or anyone else is, and needs to be treated as an intelligent, capable and loving being. There are harmful people in the world that would like to subvert and challenge the very innocence of a child whose mind is still growing and becoming full of wisdom, knowledge, and an understanding of how to operate in a complex and technological framework. These individuals often times are maladjusted teens themselves. Where do you draw the line and say enough is enough, the world was designed so that people can learn to be humane to one another. It was not designed for the disillusionment of the young, Flash Mobs, Racial Violence, Hatred, Or any of the other many of the Several Other Devolutions into Chaos and disorder.

Swing back to life 2.0. Erase the slate. Re-write it as Democrat. Bring Slashdot into the multi-platform omniverse. Say Hello to my little friend. 50 Cent was a foregone conclusion since before I'm Gonna Get You Sucka was in rotation. The guy knows where its at. Wanksta clearly shows him protecting his kid from the fake plastic one. We live in a vibrant living society with people in it. Not terminals. Living organisms with blood flowing through their veins and neurons and axons firing. They have to find something to fire on, they have to have something to think about, they have to have something to do. We are providing them with nothing but advertising when what we need to do is provide them with content. Streamlining while widening the bandwidth doesn't help. It just accellerates the marketing window. People cannot live in Pictographs. It would be nice to think that they could, but even Johnny in the Mnemonic used e-mail. Even the cave dwellers drew pictures (thank you William). We must have a common frame of codified referrence that people can relate to before we go to far and litigate ourselves into being driven by the machine rather than driving the machine. The machine is cold. It doesn't have a heart, a soul, a brain, a mind, a third eye, a consciousness. We need more fiber in our diets. Think Heath and Norton anthologies on multiplicitous scales. Think bibles think Hebrew and Islam getting along for a change. We're all people man. Think Jesus and God and Old and New Testaments mixing. The Golden Rule, Do Unto Others As You'd Have them do unto you.


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