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MAY 1998

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Well, it's been a few days, and I can tell you that I have done more than a little bit of sleeping. I think that the entire semester decided to catch up with me in one week. I have gotten a couple of things accomplished. I got myself on a call list for a copy of Windows 98 for Dummies which I plan to buy as soon as it hits the shelves. I did that at Borders the other night.
After Borders we had some fun at Pano's. I had the Pano's special with some Tobasco sauce for my hash brown potatoes.

Right now I am listening to The Future Sound of London album ISDN. The best track on this album is "Far Out Son of a Lung." If you don't have a copy of this album, I think that you should go out and buy one right now.

I saw Godzilla the other night with Mikus and one of his brothers. We stopped at Barnes and Noble for an hour because we went to the show an hour early due to a misreading of the Buffalo News advertisement. In the future we will have to be more carefull with our reading of the news.
I enjoyed the film a great deal more than I think most of the people that I have heard from about it have. Most of the people that I have talked to about it were of the opinion that the film was boring. I thought it had a lot of action and for a PG-13 film, that is what you need. If you want to see a good film, go and see Godzilla.
(Check out the Article Below, Written by Mike O'Donnell,
And don't forget to click on his name and send him some mail.)

May 30, 1998 4:40 AM

I think anytime you go to the movies to see an action movie about a
gargantuan lizard, you expect the ridiculous. You expect lots of
destruction, no plot, no character development, etc. That's why I'm a
little disappointed by the latest incarnation of the big green
fire-breathing lizard.
You see, there was an attempt at a plot And the
movie tried a bit too hard to be serious. Or maybe they just couldn't
get Jurassic Park out of their heads or something, cuz Godzilla ran just
like a raptor, resembled a Tyranus Saurus-Rex a little. And the Godzilla
offspring looked and acted exactly like the raptors depicted in Jurassic
There were not enough full-body shots of Godzilla in mass
destruction mode as I would have liked, and it was predictable almost to
the degree of becoming boring. I would have preferred to see a Godzilla
that was of closer resemblance to the one back in the day, and it would
have been really cool if he'd just walked around smashing things to bits
non-stop for like 40 minutes, with lots of over-the-top gore and an 'R'
rating, to boot.
But at least in this flick you get to see Godzilla
swim, chase a taxi, duck missiles, get hit by missiles, nearly breathe
fire twice, duck missiles some more, and smash through some stuff. And
yes children, just like in Armegeddon, you get to see the top of the
Chrysler building fall to the ground.
Matthew Broderick tries to hold
down the fort in the lead role as some kind of a biologist that works
for the government. Actually very little to zero violence directed at
humans in this flick graphically, whatsoever. All this taken into
account, even still, Godzilla is more entertaining than the average
movie drivel that Hollywood spits out at us today.
m I K U s
May 30, 1998, 5:10 AM

I am due to graduate today. It is 4am and I should be sleeping, so that I'll be ready, but that is okay, I never sleep well before important events. I will be entering a new era in growth I think, one where hopefully I can put myself in a position to be more demanding of my own experiences. If I am lucky, I can somehow require them to mean more.
I was glad to hear a couple of positive responses to my poetry this year, the stuff that got published. It is surprising who is in that little magazine. I plan to take a closer look at it after this whole graduation thing blows over.

I am glad that my sister came into town for the graduation and that I was able to get a couple of extra tickets so that the whole family could go. Hopefully we will have time between graduation and dinner to have some interesting foods at the NCCC reception. They do an excellent job with the food in the food department. Those food service students are fabulous. I could almost say that I knew one for a couple weeks.

My friends and I went out for coffee and we discussed one general relationship to the world that has been rather problematic for almost all of us at one point or another. I think that in the future I will attempt to isolate myself from dealing with the problematic nature of even discussing the situation because it will keep me from having to use language that I would rather not use.
While I don't believe I should internalize of these issues and find fault with my own behavior, I am the only person that I can change.
Philosophically, I believe that accessibility is a key to any relationship. I think that I am going to have to select the social environments in which I choose to propogate my causes and concerns in terms of my pursuits toward the positive institution of them. I think that I will make myself less accessible to public accessibility features in the future. Some people, myself included, never change. Perhaps it is best on this ground, for me to remain silent, as I am highly opinionated, and it is clear that opinions like mine are highly unpopular.

May 30, 1998 4:40 AM

I just got home from Rochester and I expect to spend a couple of hours looking at and responding to my e-mail. Today before I left, I went to the Olive Garden with Scott's girlfriend Jodi and his friend John. Jodi had a Roman Feast (which I thought was a little overpriced) and John had Chicken Fingers. I hooked myself up with the Traditional Spaghetti and Pasta Fagioli and ate a few of their tasty garlic breadsticks. There was more than enough cool stuff going on there, and our waiter was awesome. We also had Mussels as an appetizer. I had tried them once before at China Buffet (Hills Plaza, Niagara Falls) and they weren't bad, so I had a couple.

After Scott woke up (he works early morning shifts and sleeps in the afternoon), we went to a bar called the Old Toad, and I broke my rule and had a Heineken. The advertising on the little napkin things got me. The last time I had a Heineken was in Chicago.
In Chicago, I had to get my blue book signed by a fraternity member that liked Heineken and so I bribed him with a six pack and he gave me one. We talked for a while and I found out that he had had an internship with Siemens. His name was also Scott strangely enough, so now I have had 2 Heineken's both with people named Scott. Strange.

After I check my e-mail, I think I am going to watch some TV. It will be nice to actually get something out of the cable that I have been paying for for the last 8 months. There have been some good movies on recently from what I have heard. We caught the end of The Empire Strikes Back on USA on Thursday night.
Have a great week,

May 25, 1998, 3:11 AM

I decided to stay here in Rochester an extra day. Today, one of Scott's girlfriend's friends showed up and invited me to go to the movies. We went to see Primary Colors. The movie was good, but sometimes the reality of the film made the ugliness of politics really show. I don't think that I will ever really enjoy the idea of getting involved directly involved in politics as much after having seen this film. But who knows, my opinions and attitudes change from day to day anyway.

When I got back from the film Scott and I watched some TV for about a half hour and then went out to the comedy club that his girlfriend works at. He had free tickets. I had coffee, fried mushrooms, french onion soup, onion rings, chicken fingers, Buffalo chicken wings, and french fries. I am still feeling full. Scott had the same except for the French Onion Soup, he had some Taco Chips with Beef instead.

The comics were good. Unfortunately, I really never got their names because the microphones weren't very clear, but I guess one of them was on MTV once. They were both funny, and the show was about 600 times better than at the Funny Bone in Buffalo in that they kept their language a lot cleaner out here. I don't know if that was just their attitudes or their catering to a different audience.

Yesterday we played 2 games of miniature golf at a real Putt Putt course in a very Amherst like suburb called Henrietta. We played an X-Men double screen video game and a game of air hockey that stretched my arms and shoulders so much that it made my back hurt.
We had lunch at Taco Bell and tried some of their new Gorditas. The food their was pretty good but I generally don't get into Taco Bell because it isn't a local company like Mighty Taco and their sauces aren't as spicy and you have to put them on your food yourself.

When we went to Tops later we found Evita on their video rack. I have been searching for a copy of the movie to buy since it came out for rental last year. It cost about ten dollars less than I expected it to, so I was pleased with that purchase.
We came back to the apartment and watched "So I married an Axe Murder" and Evita and had Chips and Salsa and Tony's Pizza. It was like a small Chips and Salsa party here in Rochester.

I have been enjoying my time out here, and I hope to be home Sunday night to share all of this stuff with everybody. I think I saw on TV recently that the date that Windows 98 comes out is June 26 or something like that. That fits my saving schedule pretty well. My next step toward school is to write a letter to the political science department requesting admittance. I will have to do that at home. I don't think I can get any serious work done out here where there is so much else to do. I think that I am going for coffee or something tomorrow also.
End your month in an excellent way...I will be having some fun after graduation.

May 24, 1998 1:17 AM

Hello from Rochester. It is seven o'clock in the morning and I have spent an interesting day in Rochester. My parents let me borrow the car for the weekend (starting Thursday) and I drove up here last night to visit my friend Scott. We have been playing some shareware video games and talking about the past couple of weeks.

Yesterday, before I left Niagara Falls, I picked up the new Tori Amos CD and we listened to it here. It is pretty good. I am hoping that this summer I will get some more of my band list filled out and track down some links for each band. Some of the new bands I have picked up this year have been Oasis, Propellorheads, The Crystal Method, Atari Teenage Riot, and Photek. There is a lot of new stuff coming out this year. Scott picked up the new Curve CD a couple of weeks ago and we listened to that last night too.

We went to a small Cafe' on Park avenue again, but this one was called Cafe' Colosseum. We sat outside (in 50 degree weather) and drank Iced Cappuccinos and played a game of Scrabble. I don't think that I will ever have as challenging a game of Scrabble against any other player. Scott played well tonight, and he usually beats me, but this time I prevailed. I was lucky to acquire both the Q and the J and a couple of S's (valuable Scrabble letters).

After the Cafe we went for dinner at a small corner diner on Monroe Avenue called Mark's. I had a "shaved steak sandwich" with mushrooms and Scott had what he called a "Garbage Plate" which looked like a hamburger turned inside out if you can imagine what that would look like. The food was good and the prices were better than Denny's or Perkins.
I have also acquired the inside scoop from Scott's girlfriend Jodi a former Perkins waitress, that the national Perkins chain may be purchased due to some kind of lawsuit. That might affect some people that frequent Perkins. I haven't been paying attention to the news the last week or so, so I am not certain what the whole story is.

I hope you all enjoyed Mike's first official story for Exy. Hopefully I can get him to write some more for this publication in the future. He is as good a writer as any of us are, and Seinfeld is one of his real key interests. He has been watching it for a long time. I think he was the first person to mention to me that I had a George Costanza wallet. I don't think that that will ever change. It just seems like I always have receipts and a lot of other stuff to put into it.

I am due to walk the aisle on May 30th and the Graduation Party will be announced by invitation. I am thinking about having some more chips and Salsa parties after the 30th, but we'll see about those after the 30th.

I was absolutely shocked when I found out I got a B on the final for my Computer Architecture class because I felt I was doing poorly all semester with C's on my tests and projects. I hope that I can shock myself with more positive reports on the grade card. I have already determined that I got an A in Microeconomics, but I have 3 other courses that could range anywhere from B's to C's. I guess I just have to look on the bright side, which is that I completed the last Computer Course that I will ever take for formal training. From here on out, I will just have to acquire my skills independently.

In the field of bit shifting, I am currently saving up money to buy Windows 98 and pay for my next year's worth of Internet access. I have also been thinking about purchasing a second monitor and a new larger computer desk. The desk that I have now keeps forcing me to hyper extend my left knee to sit at it and I am rather uncomfortable at it. The second monitor will let me move one PC downstairs (the old one) and work on my new one upstairs.

Also in the field of bit shifting are a couple of new software areas that I would like to look into this summer. I would like to find a large MP3 server where music files are pirated and copy my electronic music to them. I would also like to get some documentation on how the new "Dynamic HTML" works and learn how to whip up a couple of pages that use it. From what I hear DHTML will allow you to have large amounts of data and other web page information scrolling through it. In other words, I could get some interesting information from say the Wall Street Journal or Wired scrolling through some of my pages. It sounds like a really insane type of web page that Explorer 4.0 will be able to read.

May 22, 1998, 8:29 AM

The Last Seinfeld
Those of you that are my regular subscribers may or may not know that
since September of 97', I began videotaping Seinfeld every Thursday,
w/no commercials. I've seen just about every episode since the
beginning,(89') and have been satisfied w/all of them. However, I must
say that the final episode, although suspenseful, was somewhat of a
letdown. It seemed kind of like a big NBC commercial w/the gratuitous
CNBC Geraldo coverage of the trial. I also didn't like the use of
highlights during the espisode. I mean, isn't that why they had a
45-minute ‘best of' show beforehand? If I was writing the show, I would
have written it in typical Seinfeld fashion, w/the ordinary becoming
extraordinary, and then ending the show w/an intergalactic space alien
attack on the four lead characters up on the roof of Jerry's apartment
building. Just have little grey guys w/fat heads and rayguns pop out of
a flying saucer and zap the dying nightlights out of em'! Now, that
would have been really cool, and would have taken the world by
surprise. Still, I give the final episode a 7 out of 10 just for the
fact that they ended it with the gang guilty and in jail.
- Mike O'Donnell May 21, 1998

I have finally gotten a chance to look into this and I am currently writing in Allen Town. The Allen Town Art Festival is the 13th and 14th of June. I am sitting at the Spot Cafe' listening to the Bongos of an African drum band pound while drinking a hot Americano. My friends are with me, they are enjoying the outdoors while I watch them through the tall glass windows on Chippewa and Delaware Avenue.
It will be good to come down here this summer, and I will have a reason to do it.

I can say that I deserve a chance to enjoy the summer because I finished my last final exam at Niagara County Community College. I should be graduating as I have planned, on June 30th. It will be a day that I have been waiting for for five years and the struggle has been complex. I hope to have some pictures to share on my web page and here. Unfortunately I can only invite 3 people to the ceremony due to limited space, or I think I would invite the world.
Perhaps I am not as significant to the world as I would like to think, but the world is significant to me...Someday I may just have to save it from itself... :)
(who knows what dangers lurk in the depths of a harsh technological future)
Some of my poetry got published in a magazine called the Promethean. It is NCCC's creative arts magazine. If you know me and you would like a copy, just ask, I have about 15 of them and I will try to save you one. This summer I will make sure that my published poems appear on a special page and that my unpublished work remains on a seperate page. To be honest I think that some of my unpublished work might be more entertaining to an uncritical or general audience.
Have a great summer everyone, hope to be seeing you at the art festival,

May 21, 1998 10:28 PM

Mikus and I have aquired a mobile unit to work with for the day, and we are currently sitting at Starbucks in Amherst making modifications to this web page. Mike is drinking a large vanilla Cafe' Late' with Caramel on the top, and I am drinking a Venti Caramel Macchiato. I should be studying now, but I thought that a break would be in order too. We almost had a techno war with a dude with an electronic organizer at Fuddruckers earlier when we grabbed some burgers and a chili dog.
Mike has a little something to say about his political party:

R.E.V.O.L.T. isn't just an awe-inspiring new political movement; it is a way of life...

I just got through with a nightmare day yesterday and until class today I was sleeping. I think I got a grade in the high 90's on my Microeconomics test and I scored high on my Oral presentation on Herman Melville for American Literature.
Everything positive said about the last few days, I will have to wish you alll well, and keep on groovin'. I think we are going to play a little bit of frogger before we take off..

May 14, 1998, 2:54 PM

It has been a while since I have had the chance to make any changes to this page, so I apologize for the delay. I have been really tied up with school the last few weeks. I am actually working on this web page on a computer in Ashland Ohio. I am out here right now for my brother's graduation weekend. He just received his bachelor's degree and the whole family is really excited.
Unfortunately I cannot log onto my service provider while I am out here so all of this news will be old when you get it.

I hope all of you have been enjoying the great weather we have been having this spring. I have been doing a lot of standing outside looking at the trees and taking in the damp morning air.
Our maple tree keeps dropping little seeds all over my car when I park it on the street.
I have a mild concern that it might be ruining the paint job because I think that maple sap might be slightly acidic.

My progress toward graduation from school myself is strange. I think I have a case of senioritis. I haven't been getting all of my projects done as well as I would like to because I keep putting things off until the last minute.
Hopefully everything will work out and I will pass my Computer Architecture final.

The Allen Town Art Festival will probably be coming up in June. If any of you reading this get the inside scoop on it before I do, please let me know. I would like to get a group of people together to go to it this year. I might even buy some art.
Anyone interested in going should send me an e-mail too...
Have a great month everybody...

May 10, 1998, 6:57AM

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