Sunday, December 28, 2003

Man, I think the world is experiencing some kind of global downtime or something. It's Five AM SUNDAY when I am usually in full gear and the circuits just aren't humming as they usually do.

I think everyone is out for the weekend and I am just experiencing some kind of relapse Acid trauma. Hell who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll be on the Oprah show for losing a few pounds due to sleep deprivation.

They couldn't keep me away from the chocolate chip cookies tonight though. I managed to munch through them like the monster I am.

I spent most of the night reading and it fueled the fires, but I have nothing much to stay lucid about. I see sparkles and raindrops and a golden aura at the edges of my steel framed glasses. Wait, that's just the blogger help sign in my peripheral. Phew, I'm still alive.

Sometimes the torment hits like a ton of bricks, all of the things that you wish you'd done had circumstances been different. Had the globe not shrunk as it has.


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