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Welcome To Exy
An Electronic Culture Zine.

August 1998

I've decided on a change of color for this month. I have been getting a little bored with white on black. I hope that this doesn't make it harder for any of you to read. I think that the contrast will do us all some good. I am getting tired of feeling "black" about things anyway. It seems that my past has been coming up a lot in conversations lately, and I think that it might do me some good to mix things up a bit, and maybe if I do that, some of the past can be left where it belongs.
I am excited about getting back to school this semester. I hope that it will give me another chance to explore some new ideas and meet some new people. I hope that it will inspire me to write some new poetry, music, and web material. This summer I feel like I could have written a lot more than I have. I think that it might be the nice hot weather that has kept me out places. I like to go out at night during the summer and sit at cafe's and watch people filter in and out of bars. It keeps me comfortable knowing that people have a tendency to try to find themselves when they are young. It perplexes me that they think that they can find themselves in bars, but it keeps things interesting to watch them try. Every once in a while someone actually tries to talk to me at the coffee shop, and I try to talk to them. It seems that often I should be trying harder to communicate something. But what exactly that should be is hard to nail down. Especially with the women that I talk to at the cafe's. I speculate that they are looking for good conversation also, but I am not always certain that they are prepared for the conversation that I would be willing to give them. I tend to put myself all the way forward when I don't hold back, and a lot of times I think that that could appear unnattractive. I think that it is better if I do less talking and more listening more of the time. People tend to remember me better when I do that.

In any case, I think that today I am headed back to Rochester again, to visit my friend Scott, where I will no doubt meet some new people. With any luck I will run into a Vampire Girl that I ran into last time who has a pierced tongue. She was interesting to talk to and she was a musician. Some of what I wrote about my last trip to Rochester while at Border's (bookstore) on Sunday afternoon appears below, but the Vampire Girl was not included because at the time I wrote the article, I was suffering from a two day hangover.
We played scrabble with her at a coffee house called Java Joes and she told us about some Gothic nightclub where she can get in, because she is not of age. She also gave us some monster size Tic Tac candies and some clove cigarettes. I don't recall the last time I smoked clove cigarettes,.but I know that it was some time in the earlier half of the 1990's. She looked like she was the daughter of a Kodak employee, someone just above middle class, and she was going to school for music at U of R I think. Anyway, I think it would be interesting to meet up with her again if we went out. She was pretty generous and offered to show us where the nightclub was, but we didnt't end up going with her because it would have kept her out too late.
I was happy to aquire a copy of the Clock DVA CD I lost in 1993 through a friend of mine. I intend to copy it and give it back to him. I was glad he found a copy of it because it is very hard to get ahold of. Clock DVA is an early 90's industrial band that only put out like 2 or 3 CD's in the US and they were all very minimally produced. I found the copy that I had purchased in Chicago when Industrial music was still a rage.
I have just recently purchased 3 CD's. One of them is the 1994 Jewel CD. The other two are Moxy Fruvous' "Bargainville" and Semisonic's first album. I am enjoying all three of them. It could be argued that on my limited income it was unwise to purchase any CD's at all this month. It could also be argued that I haven't purchased any CD's in 4 months, and that I deserve to make up for it. Prior to the release of Windows 98 I had been rather conservative with my spending. I have been less careful with my money since the beginning of August, but it all has been with good reason, it is time to party now that school is going to come back. I love and hate the idea of school at the same time. On one hand, it gives me something to do, on the other hand, it takes away opportunities for me to spend money on frivolous things like CD's. Now that I will be traveling a significant distance to school each day, a lot of my disposable income will be eaten by my car and the EZ-PASS. (For anyone not in New York State, the EZ-PASS is an electronic bridge toll thing that pays your toll by magnetic pulse).
I plan on aquiring more CD's in the future, I just don't know what they will be. I am looking forward to anything new by The Future Sound of London or The Crystal Method. I am also looking forward to anything new by Rage Against the Machine or Oasis. In the past I have not been disappointed by any of the work of these artists. I am also looking forward to any new books by William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Neal Stephenson, or Jack Womack. I look forward to hearing from anyone who can tell me anything about any of these artists or writers also.
You know how to send me mail, so please do.

August 14, 1998, 5:11 AM

Well, it's August. Last year in August, my web page officially started cooking. It was called the Digital Noise Control Homepage. I was writing about William Gibson, and Rave Music, and my own electronic music.
Since then, the web page has evolved. In January, I resolved to write at least one page for each month this year, and to make the page into an active journal of my activities. I have been lucky to have a couple of articles written by my friend Mike. Mike's articles on Seinfeld and Godzilla have been critically acclaimed by Surfers from places as far away as California.
I have been enjoying my summer. I think I might be enjoying it a little bit too much, because in the last 10 days, I have forgotten to write anything at all for the page. I did however, last monday, draw a picture for August, that incorporates most of the elements of my existing artistic stock. (Check it out at the top of the page). I hope that you all have been enjoying the month, even though it has been a lot hotter than I had hoped.

I just returned from Rochester this week. While I was there I learned that certain types of liquor in the whiskey family should be avoided. I also went to see Saving Private Ryan for the second time and rented Clerks from Blockbuster on Monroe Ave., so that my friend Scott could see it. On Thursday, Scott and I went for dinner at a place called China Buffet, out near Henrietta, NY. On Friday we drank some coffee at Java Joe's in downtown Rochester where we met a gothic girl with a pierced tongue and a lot of bad attitude. The gothic girl played a game of Scrabble with us, shared some clove cigarettes and a monster box of Tic Tacs with us, and then deserted the scene. We then proceeded to a nameless blues bar where we had Jamisson's whiskey (which nearly gave me a heart attack as I swallowed), and two pitchers of beer, one was normal and the other was Mexican (Dos Equis).
I stayed up Friday night after we got back to the apartment and watched a movie called School Daze by Spike Lee, which I recommend for any incoming college freshmen. It really hit the nail on the head about a lot of the stuff that goes on at a college level of education. In the entire film, they didn't show a classroom once.

I hope you've all been enjoying the slightly cooler weather this month, I have. Hopefully fall this year will stay warm until mid-November.

August 9, 1998, 2:30 PM

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All Contents (C)1998 By Noise Control Internet (NCI)


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