Saturday, December 20, 2003

Welcome To Exy
An Electronic Culture Zine.


I hope you all have been enjoying the semester. I have been very busy lately. It seems that I have also been doing a lot of over sleeping to make up for late nights on weekends. I have been working hard to stay on top of my classes. I have a paper due for Ethics on Thursday.
This weekend, I will be meeting with John LaFalce, our district's congressman. I am going to be doing volunteer work for his campaign starting this Monday. I will only be working on it one day a week, so it shouldn't take too much out of my time.
I have had some car troubles the past two weeks again that have bogged me down mentally. My father's truck broke down, and then my car broke down when we got the truck back. I took the bus to school one day because of the transportation problems.
I think that I have been doing alright in my classes, but I am not entirely certain. I have a couple of papers to get working on, that I should have been working on all along. Luckily, I have about a four day gap on the first one and a ten day gap on the second one, so I should be able to get them done and get reasonable grades on them. I think of all of my classes, the class that I am going to have to work the hardest at is my Ethics course.
I am going to be playing a softball game on Monday. I might have to borrow a mit from someone. I haven't played any type of baseball in a long time, and I am sure that I don't have a glove that fits.
Last night we went to see Ronin with Robert DeNero. I enjoyed the movie. There was one part that was a little bit too realistically violent, but in comparison with Saving Private Ryan it was mild. There were two excellent chase scenes in the film that made the film worth seeing.
I am looking forward to seeing the film "What Dreams May Come" with Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding Jr. I am also looking forward to seeing "Enemy of The State" with Will Smith and Gene Hackman.
I am going to leave an open invitation to anyone to see either of these movies with me when they come out. I am sure that they will both be Four Star films.
Have a great week. Hopefully, I'll have some more good news at the end of it.

September 27, 1998, 4:28 AM

I think would have liked to be more prompt with my posting of this web page. I have done some interesting things since my last writing to this page, but unfortunately, I haven't posted it. Right now I am listening to Inner City and trying to reflect a little bit on the things that I have done over the past week or so.
I had some marshmallows and pizza at a good friend of mine's house last week to start things off. That was a pretty good start to the week, unfortunately, the week did not continue to be one that I might have been pleased with.
On Tuesday, my father's truck broke down, leaving us short a vehicle.
On Wednesday, I received a letter informing me that my TAP grant is not valid.
On Thursday I had to take a bus to school, and I had a run in with some Grizzly characters at the main street bus terminal.
Luckily, they were not violent, and didn't want any money. They were just Trogloditic in nature.
Fortunately, I didn't have to take the same route back to Niagara Falls, I was treated to a ride by a couple of my classmates in Latin. They were Valent! (Strong). It turns out that somehow they knew my friend Pat (as everyone on earth does).
I enjoyed the privilage of the use of a car on friday, but received a tuition bill for $411.00 upon arriving home. I have made the decision to follow up on this billing promptly and swiftly and all of that good stuff. I should have the bill cleared through an academic approval request according to the Undergraduate Advising people at UB. I am not pleased that I have to waste time with this nonsense.
Wednesday night I did not study as well as I should have, so I was relieved on Thursday, after the bus station ordeal, to find that my Ethics class, at 8 AM was cancelled.
To top things off, another of my friends came to town, and we each lost $30 at the Casino this weekend.
Today has been better though. I went to Darien Lake with some friends and rode some Coast to Coast Coaster which went backwards, and The Mind Eraser which is this strange coaster where you sit under the tracks. I also had a mammoth Meatball Sub that I waited almost a half an hour for. I don't know if I got sunburned yet.
After Darien Lake, a few of us went for Coffee at The Spot Cafe' where I copied Latin words onto index cards for three hours, having to repeatedly check and correct errors in verb and noun grammar. I still have about 100 more cards to fill out.
I have been slowly working my way through a pack of Chinese cigarettes given to me by a PhD in Engineering named Jingdong that I met at a UB Bulls football game last weekend (actually, the home opener). I am hoping to hear from him in electronic mail soon, to see about taking him for a trip to downtown Buffalo, he says he hasn't really seen the city yet.
I hope that you have all been enjoying the weather. It has been really nice the past few weeks. I hope that we can count on this to continue at least until the end of September.
Have a great month!

September 20, 1998, 3:52 AM

The month has changed again. It looks as though I haven't done much writing in the past month. August didn't turn out the way I planned it. I probably spent a quarter of the month in Rochester and another quarter of the month chasing around University at Buffalo trying to get ready for the semester that is now here. It is unfortunate that I haven't written about a lot of the things that I have been doing because there is a lot going on.
One of my friends from grade school called last week. He and I went to Perkins and sat down and talked about the various things that he and I had been doing. It turns out that he is going into training to be a border guard and plans to go down South for a few months. He had just come up from the South where he had been living with his brother over the summer.
Another friend told me that he was planning to throw a Haloween party this year. That might be a fun thing to go to. I hope that I am not too bogged down in school work by the end of October.
When I started school this semester, I expected that I would be ready to take the big jungle on. As usual, several unexpected things happened. The tapedeck in my car broke, so I had to replace it. This took a day in the shop for the car. I also was fortunate enough to have an accident with a parked truck. Luckily, the truck wasn't damaged, but my rear bumper was knocked off and had to be replaced. Between the bumper and the stereo, I ended up spending $350 dollars that had been earmarked for school texts.
Fortunately, my texts ended up being inexpensive, due to the fact that one of them was free. My poli-sci 100 text was distributed over the Internet for free. I printed it out in the school library. My net cost for books this semester ended up being $140, which is half the price I have paid in most of my previous years of upper level education.
On the first day of classes, I went to drop off a few things to my friend Ryan who is living in the dorms at UB. I ended up staying up most of the night and I wore a lousy set of clothes to class. I had even forgotten to take socks with me, and so I ended up blistering my feet walking from building to building. The next day though, I managed to get a washload done and drop by a salon for a haircut, and I think I made a reasonable second impression on my instructors.
I have two classes that I am concerned about. One is my American Politics class, the other is my Ethics class. I am enjoying the others, but I think that I will have to work a lot harder in these two. The Ethics class opens discussion a little bit too widely, and I am not sure that I am comfortable with the styling of the instructor, and the American Politics class is very big and it seems like I will have to memorize a whole lot of highly specific and rather obscure facts. I plan to work hard though. If worse comes to worse, I will be spending my weekends in the library too.
I've been seeing a lot of movies lately. I may have mentioned this in August, but I doubt it. I ended up seeing Saving Private Ryan three times. It was a good movie, but I am certain that I will not see it a fourth. I have been having some pretty graphic dreams since I saw the film, and I haven't been happy with all of them.
I also saw Blade. I thought that Blade was an excellent movie. There are so many surprises in it, that I would spoil a lot of them by talking about the movie at all. I suggest that you just check it out for yourself.
I saw the Avengers with Iron Mike O'Donnell two weeks ago, right when it came out, and I thought that some of the special effects in the film were fantastic. The story seemed a little bit silly, but the action kept me wondering what was going to happen next.
When I was in Rochester in August, I ended up seeing 54 with Scott. If you like sleazy nightclub movies, you should definitely check this one out. It shows you what nightclubs are really like, and why it is in your best interest to avoid dealing with the problems that they can create. Of course, the main character still gets the girl, even though he is a completely obliterated drug fiend, but hey, sometimes you just have to suspend your disbelief. 54 is a great piece of cinema. See it while it's hot.

September 10, 1998 10:00 AM

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