Saturday, December 20, 2003

Photo Taken By Christopher J. Bradley on October 4, 1998 at Home.

Welcome To Exy
Electronic Culture

October 1998

Haloween is getting closer and closer, and I am being too lazy about decorating or updating this page.
I have been really tied up with papers and tests and quizzes. I have a quiz, a test, and a paper again this week also. This weekend looks like it is going to be the most boring weekend ever.
I am about to shut my radio off. I think I have now heard Harvey Danger's retarded song for about the six hundredth time. At least I can go to sleep tonight with the knowledge that he is going to be a one hit wonder. Another song that has been really agitating me lately is The Dope Show by Marylyn Manson. The band is utterly reprehensible, but the lyrics keep playing over and over in my head because they keep playing the damn song on MTV and The Edge which is the only station that will come in when my computer is on. I don't understand why they can't play more Eve 6 or Semisonic. Both of those bands go down a lot better with late night computing.
One other thing I don't like about The Edge is that they don't play any Oasis or Depeche Mode. Two of my favorite bands. They also rarely play Tori Amos or Sarah McLachlan.
I went to Rochester last weekend and my friend Scott gave me a Happy Monday's CD that I have been listening to in my car. It is unfortunate that the band is no longer together because the music they wrote was really cheery and puts me in a generally good humor.
I have been doing alright at school lately. I got a B+ on a really difficult American Politics test and an 86 on my most recent Latin Quiz which means that I am still in the A range for the class as long as I keep doing my homework for it. Unfortunately, an Ethics paper that I worked really hard on was handed back to me for revision . It did not include enough non-internet sources for information related to Affirmative Action. I need to review my chapter on Affirmative Action and start again re-writing the bulk of the first half of the paper. At least I get a second chance with this one. A lot of instructors aren't this lenient.
I have been having a good time over-all with the social aspects of school. Last Thursday I participated in a voter registration drive in the Ellicott Complex at University at Buffalo and registered a few voters. I was supposed to go to a Softball Game on Monday that I didn't make due to the fact that it was Columbus Day and I just decided to take the day off of everything. I also missed one of my Political Science Undergraduate Student Association meetings at UB today in order to come home and drop off some paperwork that my parents needed. At least I got to go out for coffee.
When we went for coffee we met this girl from New York who was pretty cool. Her name was Betsie and she was visiting Buffalo on the job. She is going to Rochester tomorrow to continue work and then I assume she is going home. She is a big fan of Fordham University and suggested that I apply to law school there when I finish up with University at Buffalo.
Last night I went to shoot some pool with MikUs and his friend Steve who wants me to possibly start working at the same place that he works. I am carefully weighing my options. Right now I might be better off just concentrating on school, however, I don't have anymore papers to do after the one due Monday so I might just take the job, because I should be able to get most of my schoolwork done during the week. Anyway, it's something that looks like it might be open to me if I want to take him up on it.
I just wrote a new poem called Cold Maple. I am adding it on to my poetry list now and it should be up by tonight. I might add a couple of others also. I haven't added to the poetry page in a while. Here's the link to the poetry page:
I hope you enjoy the new additions.
I think I am going to have to get to work soon. I have a couple of chapters of Political Science to read and I have some studying that I need to firm up on for Latin for tomorrow.
Don't forget to vote this year. It is exceptionally important that there remains a fair balance of power in the capitol this year. My advice as a Democrat who would like to see the President finish out his term is, Vote for Chuck Shumer for New York Senate, and if you live around here, Vote for John LaFalce for Congress in Niagara County. Other critical campaigns include the race for Governor where voting for Vallone can help keep education from being cut further by goons like Pataki.
I expect Gore to win in 2000. He is the Silicon Valley hookup and keeping with his party is where it's at.
Don't forget to break out the Chips and Salsa when you party either.
They'll keep you Jammin' like you wouldn't believe.

October 15, 1998, 1:54 AM

October is the month for Halloween. I hadn't been getting along with Halloween too well until last year. Last year I think I enjoyed myself and managed to scare a few kids out of their wits too. Last year my costume was a cheap cigar. I sat on my front porch and smoked it while I handed out candy, and the kids thought I was some kind of weirdo. I am some kind of weirdo though, so it didn't bother me at all.
It was refreshing to see the kids get some candy and go home happy. The previous years I'd been going out on Halloween to clubs and stuff and seeing a whole bunch of people my age dress up and get way too drunk. I don't like the idea of that very much anymore, so now I stay in on October 31st.
October is also the month when the leaves start to fall off of the trees. My maple starts to look like it's dying and I usually write a poem or two about it. I am usually refreshed the following spring when I start seeing the buds come out on all of the trees and bushes because it reminds me that life will continue to go on, regardless of the faces that the season will put on the various elements of life.
I missed school Friday due to an alarm clock failure. I regret having done that, because I am now behind a week in Latin and a half a week in Poli-Sci 100. I am also going to have to concentrate on studying for an exam this week for Poli-Sci 101 that is going to be a tough one. I think I have about 4 chapters to read to catch up in this class.
Today I bought 2 things that I have been thinking about a lot over the past few months. I bought a USB camera so I can now take pictures to generate web pages on my own. The Camera is a Kodak DVC323. I got a deal on it at Computer City's fire/going out of business sale. They sold it to me for $129. It does moving pictures so you can use it for stills, or for videoconferencing and making AVI files. I might put some time into producing an AVI for some of my music this coming summer.
I have been thinking that it might be useful to make a web page for the Political Science Student Union if I have time. I plan to attend a meeting of the group this week.
I got to shake hands with John LaFalce on Saturday this week, and I may go to one of his fund raiser dinners in a couple of weeks. I am going to be working on his campaign this week. If you know anyone who would like a sign, please e-mail me and I can get you one easily. I have one up on my front lawn.
I hope you enjoy the picture at the top of the page, that USB camera was really difficult to install. It took 5 hours, and I had to download drivers from the website because I am running Windows 98 instead of 95. Apparently when they shipped the camera, the drivers hadn't been completed for Windows 98 yet. And for some reason, my Internet Service Provider has been running really slow, like 300 Baud lately and I ended up wasting 2 of the 5 hours just trying to get the drivers to download using their service. I ended up dialing my University Service with a slower modem and getting the drivers quicker. I think that the University is more reliable.
I submitted a short story that I wrote called "The Envelope" to a friend of mine to be published in her zine. If she likes it it might go in. If not, well, it's not a huge loss. Some of my work, only I can understand anyway. I think "The Envelope" though, has mass appeal, and I think that there is a good chance of it getting published.
I hope you all have a great month, I plan to finish this one out with a wholesome chunk of tobacco. Maybe something a little classier this year than Crystal though. I think I might move up to a Cherrywood or a Phillies.
Keep it Real,

October 5, 1998, 12:21 AM

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All Contents (C)1998 By Noise Control Internet (NCI)


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