Thursday, October 28, 2004

October 28th 2004 Noisecontrol Publishing

So the Red Sox won again. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed watching most of the game with my girlfriend on my arm last night. It was something beautiful to be sure.

I kissed her on the cheek, and she hugged me. I can see how easy it can be to get lost in her long hair.

God is with us to be sure.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Wed. Oct 27 2004 Noisecontrol Publishing
Good Morning again. Last night was excellent. After a brief outing to the Dollar Store with Mom where I got to listen to the Radio, and a game of Bingo where I won a pair of White Sox for playing, I was able to move around a bit and get to know some of the people that were there.
George and I had a discussion about Daniel, and Exodus, and Matthew, and Revelation, as well as a little bit on Genesis and Deuteronomy.

The world will not be destroyed except by the hand of God. It is a comfort to know that.

Someone today suggested that I read Psalm 109. I plan to look it up right now actually.

Talk to you soon,

There's plenty more going on, but I will keep it under wraps until I can more effectively assess the situation.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Monday October 25th Noisecontrol Publishing - Good Morning friends and neighbors. Today we enter on a new day, a day where the things that trouble us most are set in the past and the future looks forward and we have peace at last. And believe it or not, the power of God saw me through the tribulations. I read him quietly in the bathtub while whatever happened last night happened. I opened the pages of Genesis and Daniel and just spent time with my eyes glued to the rice paper pages.
Fortunately this kept me out of trouble and the morning was clean and bright for me, even though I fell under judging eyes. The time will come when things will get better. I am certain of it now, while the three survived the test of Fire in Daniel I am certain that I too will survive the tests that present themselves to me in the coming days.
You might ask, since when did I become such a God freak? Well it seems that I have to rely on God when the times come to pass and the elements of struggle come into my life, except, that in this instance, I plan to for as long as possible, study the word of God.

-Christopher J. Bradley
Oct 25th 2004